Friday, April 22, 2011

Fringe Season 3: Episode 1 "Olivia"

Brief Recap: The mission to retrieve Peter goes awry the moment Walter, Olivia and three of the Cortexiphan subjects arrived in the alternate universe. One Cortexiphan subject died upon arrival while the other two died using themselves as a distraction to prevent Olivia and Walter from being caught by the alternative Fringe team. By the eleventh hour, Olivia was captured. Fauxlivia took her place as she joined Peter, Walter back to our universe and William Bell disappeared in a massive bright light.

Spoiler Alert for those who haven't seen it. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Covert Affairs brings "The Green Screen Challenge"

Last month, from Chris_Gorham's tweets, "If you're not following me on Twitter you're missing out on a fun little challenge! Take this pic, replace the green background and then tweet your doctored pic to the Covert Affairs Twitter feed (@CovertAffairs). Our favorite (Me, Piper and Sendhil) will earn some cool Covert Affairs swag!" 

Everyone had until Friday to submit their entries. I would have wanted to send one if I haven't forgotten what meager PS skills I learned a couple years back  and I haven't formally gotten back to Photoshop too. *sigh* Make time will ya. 

The second runner up entry. I thought was good in simplistic, clean presentation. 
The first runner up entry.  Made me smile. 
The winner. Was hilarious. 

I hope I'll be able to think of something funny for the next (maybe) Green Screen Challenge this June. ☺ I wonder if they'll permit an overseas participant or I'll send my friend's address instead and have whatever Covert Affairs swag her way. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Rise and Fall of caring Petunia...

Still very much have the neophyte greenthumb tacked over the little potted gardening I've started at home as another potted petunia starts to get sick. 
I see these white stuff clinging stem and leaves. Aphids? Anyway, went to Mr. Google and found this article.  Trial and error, I go. 
White Aphids

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What's the one thing I would look forward this weekend?

Last week (Friday and Saturday) I found some proper time to take a leave from work and I wish I can do it this Saturday. Oh, we'll see. Even an afternoon off will do wonders. 

So what I'm looking forward this Saturday around? I'll definitely visit the mall  since when I was there with my friend, we spent our time inside the cinemas and watched two movies back-to-back. which didn't leave anything in between more except visit the record bar to check out what CDs were on sale and before we knew it, we had to leave for home.

I wanted to check out her favorite book author as I'm planning to buy a book for her birthday which is just next month!

Dropping by the local garden center would be great and I think there's a  flower garden show held in the campus but I loathe traffic. So the campus visit it out  that leaves me to check out the badminton courts and see how much they charge for non-members. 

How about you? What are your plans for the weekend?  I wish we had two Saturdays. 
