Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Man of Action concluded Live tweeting....

It was Saturday here and Friday over there. lolz. A couple of my questions got through so it was good to experience a tweet cast. Funny, I felt lost since they were doing the live tweet casting during the airing of the  crossover so I was aware that there might be remarks more about the episode.  I knew later on (according to the tweets) Michael Emerson (Ben of Lost) voiced Alpha Nanite. 


  1. I can't say I've ever tried Twitter - I don't even have a Facebook account. Blogging is my only online presence!

  2. @Al No harm really wherever you're comfortable with. Some ppl just like FB to connect but never liked blogging or Twitter too. I have limits to join other social media hoopla but so far these three: blogger, Twitter and FB are just fine with me. :D


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