Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Musings

What kinds of books do you like to read? Why? Provide specific examples?

This is going to be in phases. 

Grade school, I was pretty much into the world of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys which lasted until I was in Freshman high school. I was an avid collector of these books and it was quite interesting to see when book cover art  changed whenever a different publisher came on board. I think I've always like the Minstrel Books or the Wanderer Books. Why I like the series so much? I was quite sickly growing up and the books propelled me to adventures that made me feeling healthy and forget I was confined to the bed. I felt the exhilaration running beside Nancy and she ducked for cover to prevent the bad guys from catching her or  concentrating on my balance on a precarious ledge with the Frank and Joe as they investigate a clue to stop the baddies from getting away. 
Soon, Star Trek: The Next Generation characters swept me (thanks to the TV series) and the books sent me journeying to the stars and the galaxies which pretty much lasted until I was in my senior year in college. Trekkie? Yes, pretty much and I was a padawan of the Force too. I like this particular sci-fi books because I like the idea where humans have become fully actualized people as portrayed in (Star Trek) and are exploring the cosmos. While with Star Wars,  it was obvious, who wouldn't want to be a Jedi? *wink* Come on, don't tell me you haven't day dreamed about it. :D I haven't came across a StarWars and Star Trek: TNG cross-over in fanfiction. If anyone can recommend a good story, do leave a link to it. :D 

Joining the work force made me buy office related books and I was also, reading books about screenwriting too. I was later intrigued by chick-lit books especially those written by Cecelia Ahern. sister of Georgina, who is the better half of Nicky Byrne, one-fourth member of Westlife, one of my fave music vocal groups. Then I came back to my sci-fi leanings when I saw Stargate: Atlantis books continuing the saga after the TV series wrapped up. 
I took up reading mystery books especially from Mary Higgins Clark since I was feeling the gnawing bite of depression at the edges of my mind a couple of years back. Reading her books sorted me out while struggling with the career change due the economic trends in the country. I also wanted to learn how mystery writers flesh out their characters since I was in the midst of *still* developing a draft script. Later, I went to buying several YA books and shared my thoughts in my other blog, Passages of the Pen, which I put all the book and TV reviews over there. While this one has reviews of TV too ( only Fringe, which I would like to get back) , book wrap-up thoughts, movie reviews, photo blog, garden, adventures and whatever under the sun. 


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