Friday, August 26, 2011

What makes you feel young again and a tad out of the calendar month?

I feel like a kid again when I catch some new animated series offerings that tickle my interest and since I always like storyboards and I enjoy catching Disney's blurb on what goes on the animator's desk, I will always have an inclination to check out any latest animated film or cartoon series.

An animated series gets my two thumbs up if there are story arcs, lots of action, mysteries, character developments, pretty decent cartoon faces, (so far I'm still trying to wrap my head on cubism and other stylized ways of drawing an animated character) and characters where you can empathize more or less. Well, being a grown up and we have that adult, cynical view of things. Lolz. Few animated series can knock that down and I'm hope more animation projects will come along.

So what makes me older? Well, checking the job section and it says. "until age 26." Lolz. I guess if you're thinking of resigning by that time, don't. Tough it up. Develop avenues that you think will assuage the tendrils of burn-out so that another day in the office won't turn out a chore. 


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